Selected history:
JPC Coaches have been giving high quality international Classes.


2020. 02.-06.  

JPC Master Class, Florence, Italy


JPC Workshops in diverse libraries in Korea

2019. 07.   

 JPC Level 1A Workshop, Hessische Schülerakademie - HSAKA for Middle School, Burg Fürsteneck, Eiterfeld, Germany

2019. 04.   

JPC Level 1A Workshop, Sudhaus, Hallein, Austria 

2018. 11.   

 JPC Level 1A Workshop, Burg Fürsteneck, Eiterfeld, Germany

2018. 07.-12.  

JPC Workshop "Paper Folding - Underwater Creatures", Sewerage Science Museum, Seoul, Korea


launching JPC Workshops


Creation of New Series. Movie. Publication. Exhibition. And More.


2020. 02.-06.  

JPC Firenze : JPC NIKE Statue

2019. 10. 

Academic Publication : " JPC! - the Magical Paper Art", written by Doi Park, In: HSAKA Documentation.

2015. 10.

JPC Peace Dove Exhibition, Bori publishing house 2nd floor, Paju, Korea


Creation of JPC Peace Dove : official symbol of Unesco International Art for Peace Festival, Hong Kong


New JPC Series : Paper Zoo 


JPC Movie : Our Town (link)

“ One of my self-defined goals which I had for this JPC NIKE modeling work in Florence, 
is to  create a perfect JPC NIKE CODEX goal for myself.

After taking two and a half months amount of time, 

the NIKE COMPLETE CODEX — which seem to be impossible — has been made on the birthday of Budda, 30th of April. 
That is three days after the decision which kind of JPC NIKE statue design will be presented publicly and manufactured.

I hope that this paper figure of Nike,
which I created within the ambulance siren here in Florence by wishing the health and the nobility of life for the patients, 
can give strength and inspiration for the healthy, happy and righteous life of the mankind.“

From Julian Park, 01. May. 2020. 
Translation: Doi Park
- > Original in Korean