A b o u t   J P C  

Julian Park builds complex models out of flat materials in a resource saving method. [...] it is a unique way of dealing with spatiality, that is able to create contents, which open up — together with new technologies such as 4D-Printing — an enormous amount of possibilities.“
 Doi Park, excerpt from Dokumentation HSAKA 2019, Germany 

Welcome to the world of J P C !

Here, you can get more detailed answers for following questions : 

What is 4D Architecture ?   
What is JPC CODE and CODEX ?  
# What is JPC COMPLETE ?   
# Where is the field of application ?  
# What is the Philosophy of JPC ?

J P C   4 D   A R C H I T E C T U R E
           Use for 4D-Printing

Did you ever heard of 4D-printing technique?

Unlike 3D-printing, after printing out a flat sheet of smart material, the 4D-printed Object will assemble itself all by its own, as soon as it gets stimulated. So, the fourth dimension of the 4D-printing technique is the time. 

In 2013, researchers from the MIT has published first about this - > great invention.Julian Park has been thinking that this kind of future technique will come out and change the world. So, he wanted to contribute his skills for the future generation and share his contents in interdisciplinary fields. 

It is therefore a clear intension of the creator to connect the JPC art form with the new technology.

All JPC art works could be used as contents for
because they have following qualities:
1. Common Making-Process : By Both techniques, they start with a flat plane which bends and folds itself in different directions, then a three-dimensional object comes out as the result. 

2. Unity : Made out of one piece of material and it starts as a flat plane.
3. Fast Formation : Just through a few moments of bending and folding, within a very short time (from few seconds up to few minutes), the final figure comes out.
4. Self-sufficiency : No need any other materials to fix the connecting parts. 

In this sense, Julian Park calls making JPC art works also as designing 
4D architectural structures — giving basic structures for complex forms, which can be used and implemented with 4D-printing technique. 

J P C   C O D E   a n d   C O D E X
            The Way of Making JPC 

In order to make one particular JPC figure, you need to make steps such as bending, folding, curling papers in a very specific way.
What kind of steps you will need to follow is depending on how the figure is cut in the first place.

When the cutting is done, the flat plane contains already the specific design components for the JPC figure and the basic structures are set. Just like a blueprint showing how the house will be built.

Each of the different design components within one JPC figure is called JPC CODE. And the combination and collections of these components within one specific JPC figure is called CODEX — the complexity of CODEs.

For developing JPC CODE and CODEX, you need trainings in imagining about the different perspectives and dimensions of space —constantly shifting from flat to three-dimensional and using all the lines simultaneously.

Julian Park believes this kind of spatial thinking can and should be trained. So he sees JPC as a key educational content. 

J P C   C C ( C O M P L E T E   C O D E X )
           Special Design for No Leftover 

JPC figures are made of one piece of paper without glueing the connections.

Moreover there is a series of figures that uses every part of the paper — without leftovers. This is called JPC COMPLETE

J P C   A S   a n   E D U C A T I O N A L   C O N T E N T
          Create for the Future

So, JPC can strengthen the sense of space of oneself.
Learning how to make JPC figures means to dive into the way of thinking and seeing of Julian Park. 

By opening up the opportunities to learn how to make JPC figures, people can easily understand the mechanism how the JPC figures are designed. Moreover, one will be able to create contents for the future techniques, as well.

You do not need to know how to deal with complex modeling programs in order to make a beautiful form which can contribute for the future generation.

And learning becomes interesting and fun by making it intuitive and diverse. Fortunately, Julian Park has been a pioneer of interdisciplinary education in Korea since studying Educational Theater in NYU.

He has been giving high standard creative class for people in all ages with his unique teaching methods. So, JPC class has always been a mixture of drama, storytelling, art and design class. 

J P C   F O R   t h e  I N D U S T R Y
           New Hope for the Future

JPC COMPLETE is not just environmental-friendly but also resource-saving form of art. This will open a huge door of possibilities if we apply it to our everyday life

Julian Park has a clear vision where a furniture, or even a car and an airplane can be made without nuts and bolts and out of one piece of metal without having any leftovers

The industrial use of  JPC is a suggestion for the waste problem we now have in the world. The production 

There are also new technical ways in the world which could make this vision come true — the 4D printing technique. 

J P C   F O R   t h e   N A T U R E
           Eco-Friendly Technique

Julian's Paper Craft combines aesthetics with ethics

As a philosopher, educator and citizen scientist, Julian Park concerns about the earth's ecosystem and our relationship to the nature.

For his art, he uses paper as a material which can be recycled, other than rocks or cement. He intends to cut his figures in the most efficient way, so there will be no or very little amount of leftovers. 

article written on 2020. 05.31.